Your Council

Whitminster Parish Council works to ensure that our community is an attractive and safe place in which to live, and to develop and enhance it for the future.

16_whitminstersignsmallThe Council normally meets on the first Wednesday of each month, except in the month of August when there is no meeting. It considers planning applications, local issues, and issues referred to it by local residents, Stroud District Council and by central government.

Meetings start at 7:30pm and unless stated, are held in the Whitminster Village Hall, School Lane, Whitminster.

The agenda for each meeting is displayed on the School notice board for about six days before the start of the meeting. Members of the public are also invited to attend and will be made welcome. There is a forum before the start of the meeting at which members of the public can raise concerns, ask questions and share ideas. If matters raised are not the responsibility of the council, the Clerk can bring them to the attention of the proper authority. Meetings may last two or three hours, depending on the agenda set for the meeting to discuss. There is also an annual parish meeting, which all parishioners are also invited to attend.

The main communication channel with the council is via the Clerk, but residents can also contact any councillor. Please us our Contact the Clerk page to direct any queries.

The minutes of previous meetings can be downloaded from the Documents page.

The Councillors and the Council Clerk

John Jones, Chairman - Whitminster Parish Council
Councillor Jones, Chairman

John Jones

I came to live in Whitminster in 1963, when I started work at Wheatenhurst Farms as Herdsman – older residents may remember me walking behind the herd of cows along School Lane to and from the grazing fields.

I moved to work for the Beard family at Manor Farm in 1981, retiring from there in 1998

I then trained as an Approved Driving Instructor, from which I retired  in 2010. I was elected to the Parish Council in 1978, after lobbying for recreation facilities in the village. I was then elected as a Member of Stroud District Council in  2002, a position I still hold. I am a member of the Village Hall and Playing Field Management Committee, and have the best interests of the village and the area at heart.

Wards: Paynes Meadow and Little Holbury
Tel: 01452 740839

Councillor Hay

Russell Hay

Being a part of the Parish Council is my opportunity to give something back to the village.  It’s a worthwhile commitment from anyone who wants to to protect and enhance our village.

Wards: Upton’s Garden and Rickyard Way.
Tel: 01452 741787

Pat Gilmore, Councillor in Whitminster Parish Council
Councillor Gilmore

Pat Gilmore

I came to Whitminster in 1980 when I got married, we chose the village because at that time I was working at the Police Headquarters in Cheltenham and my husband was working at Berkley Nuclear Laboratories and Whitminster was halfway. Within a short time we had made several friends in the village and loved the area. We both became involved in several village activities. Although I am now retired I volunteer with The Cotswold Canal Trust at the Information Centre at Saul Junction, also at Woodchester Mansion and on the Willow Trust boats.

Wards: Grove Lane.
Tel: 01452 740679

Tim Douglas, Councillor in Whitmisnter Parish Council
Councillor Douglas

Tim Douglas

Councillor Douglas is a long-standing member of the Community and is also the Church Warden for the Village Chirch (St. Andrew’s Church).



Wards: The Close, Vaisey Field and Manor Court
Tel: 01452 740608


David Paynter, Councillor in Whitminster Parish Council
Councillor Paynter, Vice-Chair

David Paynter

I moved to Whitminster in 1993 and joined the Parish Council in the late 1990’s. I initially joined to become involved with the village youth, having a young son myself at the time. As time has gone by I have taken more of an interest in the footpaths, and created the village footpath map, which I am now in the process of updating.

Wards: Hyde Lane and Holbury Crescent
Tel: 01452 740596

Councillor Younger
Councillor Younger

Sarah Younger

I moved into the village in 2012 with my family and quickly realised what a wonderful community Whitminster has.
I became involved with the Whitminster Funbags who helped raise funds to build our lovely play area and really enjoyed being part of the community and enhancing the facilities for the village. I hope to be able to continue this by being on the parish council.

Wards: School Lane to Walk Bridge and School Field Close
Tel: 01452 742365



Councillor Braidford

Graham Braidford

Although only having been in Whitminster for a few years, i have learned to appreciate the friendly community and beautiful surrounding area. Being a councillor allows you to give back a small amount, and help to promote the Parish interests.

Wards: Kidnams Walk and Parklands Orchard


Daniel Lord, Whitmisnter Parish Council ClerkDaniel Lord

Whitminster is a vibrant village with a good sense of community. It’s fun and rewarding working with a group of elected Councillors who strive hard to maintain this.

Clerk to the Council
