Meeting Notes – February 2022

These are brief informal meeting notes in advance of the formal minutes being available.

Brief notes from Whitminster Parish Council meeting, 2nd February 2022.
Information was circulated on the recent anti-social behaviour occurrences on the playing field, when broken glass from alcoholic drinks bottles was found on the driveway, the children’s play area and other parts of the field. In addition, two holding blocks on the ramp to the front door of the pavilion have been kicked out, and a hole dug in the centre of the football pitch, with the spade that was used left behind.

This is now inside the pavilion, if anyone can identify it. A couple of the posts holding the rope around the cricket square also being damaged. The local police have been informed, and measures proposed to combat this sort of behaviour include installation of a Community Safety Partnership wide-angle CCTV camera as soon as one becomes available, as well as increased patrols as manpower permits. The recent spate of door knocking and running away, mud throwing at doors and other nuisance behaviour at night has resulted in Police involvement, and anyone who might have CCTV pictures of these incidents is urged to contact Police on 101.

An Outline planning application to build up to 3 dwellings on land south of Prestwick Terrace on the A38, with all other matters reserved for future consideration, was considered. Council resolved to object on current Local Plan Policies, as being outside of the settlement boundary and over development of the site. This objection is in line with refusal reasons given for similar applications nearby. The new Eco-Park application east of Junction 13 is still being validated at Stroud District Council, and will be available for commenting on next month, should Council be invited to do so as a neighbouring Parish. The agent for Moreton Lane Solar Farm has indicated that this application, which affects both Whitminster and Moreton Valence parishes, is expected to be determined, for approval or not, by the Planning
Committee at SDC in the Spring. Modifications to various parts of the application have been made to incorporate comments made during the initial application consultation, although talks are still being held to try to improve more.

On Highways, notification had been received of the expected closure of Grove Lane from Feb 21 st to 21 st March to enable works at Grove End Farm to go ahead. If the anticipated works are completed before the closure ends, then it will be lifted. A reported hazard on the pavement between the entrance to Parklands Orchard and to Upton’s Gardens was expected to be resolved shortly. A report by a parishioner of a fence appearing in a field adjacent to Hyde Lane was discussed, and efforts will be made to ascertain the reason for its appearance. Notice has been given of The Lagger footpath between School Lane and Kidnams Walk being resurfaced later this month. This was welcomed, as Council has been pressing for many months for this work to be done.

On finance, it was decided to increase the Parish Precept by a few hundred pounds, however, with more houses being built and occupied in the village this last year, it will mean that there should be very little or no increase in Council Tax for the Whitminster Parish part of Council Tax bills, although the County Council, District Council and Police and Crime Commissioner elements of the Bills are expected to rise by the amount allowed.

It is hoped to be able to meet a representative from a potential Skate Ramp builder later this month with a view to getting a replacement Ramp in place later this year.

Ideas were discussed to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee later this year. These ranged from a celebratory mug for all Primary School age children in the village, to a marked metal bench placed at the entrance to The Close, with more suggestions welcome. More discussions will take place next month.

The Annual Open Parish Meeting date was decided to be on April 28 th at 7-30pm in the Village Hall. This is the public’s opportunity to hear the working of the Parish Council and other village organisations over the last year, and to raise any concerns.

These are only the relevant points of the February Parish Council meeting, full minutes will be available, when approved at the next meeting on March 2 nd