Meeting notes – July 2021

Notes from the July Whitminster Parish Council meeting.

There was a full complement of Councillors in attendance, and the Clerk, with two Members of the Public present at the start.
A representative of Newlands Homes gave Councillors a brief presentation of how a potential application for land they have an interest in, off and between Upton’s Gardens and the village playing field. Although currently outside of the Village Development Boundary, it has been included in the Stroud District Council Draft Local Plan for development. Newlands Homes plans would include 9 market value and 2 affordable homes, one of which would be a bungalow. Works to the wooded area next to the playing field would make it more user friendly, and consultation with the village school was advised to take place to achieve this. Further consultations should take place before a planning application is submitted.

It was noted under Community Safety that Katie Markwick has moved on from her position as Neighbourhood Warden for our area, she has been replaced by Simon Jarvis, He hopes to introduce himself to Council as and when duties allow.

On Planning, Council resolved to support the application to renovate Packthorne Farmhouse, but felt that more information was needed for the proposal to place automatic gates at the road entrance in Whitminster Lane to the driveway to the farmhouse. This entrance is also the start of a bridleway which leads on to Moreton Valence, and Councillors felt that this could be obstructed and prevent its use by walkers and horse riders alike, if automated access were to be installed at that point, without information of gaining access being supplied.

It was also noted that the plot of land included in the SDC Draft Local Plan, between the playing field and the track leading to the Stroudwater Canal, had had its number allocation increased from 30 to 40 dwellings. Council resolved to make an objection to this, as it had originally been allocated 30 dwellings, in line with Council’s objective.
On Highways, notification had been received that Yakub Mulla has replaced Harriet Osborn as Area Highways Manager, and Council will be asking for a meeting with Yakub in the near future to bring his attention to several issues that it feels need examining in the village. Cllr Paynter gave an update on his meeting with the Public Rights Of Way Officer from Gloucestershire Highways.

In discussion on replacing the Skateboard Ramp, and to help gain consent for a Public Works Loans Board loan, it has to be demonstrated that Parish-wide consultation has taken place. It was resolved that a flyer would be produced, and hand delivered to all houses in the parish to get reaction from residents. Council hopes to make its decision on this at the August meeting.

These notes are just a summary of the July meeting; full minutes of that meeting will be published after approval next month.